Monday, September 6, 2010

Tomorrow is a new beginning

On September 24, 2009 I wrote this:

New Horizons..
So on September 4, 2009 I quit my job as an assistant in the finance industry to pursue my dreams of going to grad school for museum studies or art history. I, a level-headed 26 years old woman with a decent paying job, quit for an unpaid internship at a local museum. Crazy to some, I know, but after one week of interning and volunteering, I know in my heart it was for the best. :)
Taking a risk is very daunting, but when it is the right one, it all makes sense.
Now I just hope I get into grad school?....
Almost exactly a year later, I met most of my goals and tomorrow... I begin grad school! I will be commencing a Masters of Arts in Modern Art, Connoisseurship and the History of the Art Market at Christie's Education.

It's weird to think that tomorrow I start a completely new chapter in my life. I am scared, excited, and nervous all at the same time. I can only hope and pray that things will go well. I guess we will shall see soon enough.

I just hope my room will not look like this after two years...O.O

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